GB7TE: D-STAR Repeater
Click here for the GB7TE dashboard (automatically updates every five minutes)
On Saturday 18th July 2015 at 14:25z, GB7TE was connected to the D-STAR network.
GB7TE has replaced the GB3TE repeater which was active for nearly 25 years, serving the local area well. However over the last few years, usage of GB3TE has dwindled and so we decided to look into the possibility of a D-STAR repeater in the area.
It took over a month of configuring and tweaking to get GB7TE successfully configured and the repeater actually went on air on Friday the 17th July but wasn’t connected to the network until the 18th.
Whereas some D-STAR repeater groups and owners prefer users to leave their repeaters unlinked, we’re very happy for our users to do whatever they want. If you want to leave it linked to a reflector and just monitor what’s going on around the world, you can do what you like. We don’t insist on the repeater being unlinked after use. If anything, we prefer the opposite and if it’s left unlinked, it will automatically link itself after no signals have been received for twenty minutes.
GB7TE automatically links to pre-set reflectors each day from 08:00 to 22:00. You are welcome to unlink the repeater and link it elsewhere. If you want to use it for local chat (ie, not linked), be aware that it will automatically relink after twenty minutes of inactivity.
You can see the current status of GB7TE by clicking here (this page will be automatically updated every five minutes).
On Thursday the 11th November 2015 at 17:00z, regular voice idents were added to GB7TE.
On the evening of 28th July 2021, we disconnected GB7TE from the internet and built a new server using the Icom G3 system. It was only offline for three days or so before returning back on air on Sunday 1st August 2021 at 14:00z.
The new server is a Dell 1U unit with 2 x quad core Xeon processors, 24Gb RAM and a server grade SSD. It’s a substantial upgrade from the previous computer we had.
On the 28th October 2022, a new run of LDF4-50A was installed and the aerial was changed to a Procom two stack dipole.
We had an unexpected server failure at 23:37z on Wednesday 26th April 2023, the server literally stopped and wouldn’t restart. After some investigation we decided to replace the server with an similar model and so a replacement was sourced. We bought a slightly higher spec version of the same model, consisting of dual quad core Xeon X5570 CPUs with hyperthreading giving a total of 16 cores and 8Gb RAM. We actually bought two of these servers and once we’d got one working, we cloned it to the other and that is now sitting in the rack as a spare. If we have another failure, it’ll be a simple matter to swap over to the spare box.
The new servers were installed on Sunday 14th May at 12:18z. One is running, the other is connected to power and if the original fails, all we’ll need to do is switch the cables over and turn it on.
Channel: RV62 (R7)
Output: 145.775 MHz
Input: 145.175 MHz
Location: TM218172 – JO01ot
Repeater upkeep
Out of all the repeaters and services we operate, GB7TE is the most expensive to keep on air due to the internet connection.
There is no official repeater group for our repeaters but if you would like to make a donation to the Martello Tower Group group to help fund the repeaters (we have a regular monthly cost for the internet services used by GB7TE and GB7CL) then we will be happy to accept it.
You can donate either via post to the repeater keeper:
Tony Horsman, G0MBA
12 Hanwell Close,
Essex. CO16 7HF
Or you can donate via PayPal. All contributions are gratefully received and will go towards the upkeep of the repeaters and other projects undertaken by the Martello Tower Group. Donations are not used for special event stations and DXpeditions.
You can see a list of everyone who has donated to help support the Martello Tower Group by clicking here.

The ‘voices of TE’